If you’ve never had hard money lending explained to you, then you are in the right place! Another commonly used term to describe hard money is private money lending.
In today’s video, we will cover what hard money is, what a hard money partner does, and how hard money loans work. We will cover the basics for hard money lenders for beginners and some hard money lenders requirements.
Hard money is commonly used be real estate investors, business owners, and other alternative investing ways.
00:00 Intro
00:46 Hard money lending
02:53 Bridge Debt
04:07 Why would be use hard money
06:59 Hard money vs banks
10:39 Private Lending
About Rodney Miller:
Rodney started his career in real estate investing in 2003. Since that time he’s been a principal in over 300 real estate investment transactions. Rodney started casually loaning money to other investors around 2005. In 2020 Rodney decided to go all in on private lending and started Hard Money Partner LLC. He currently has about $4mm in loans with about 10 hours a week of time invested in the private lending business. Rodney has been married for 23 years and has 3 awesome kids and 3 dogs. Rodney lives and operates HMP out of his office in Oklahoma City. HMP’s service area is Oklahoma, and north Texas, more specifically, the Dallas/Ft Worth Metroplex.
Borrower Resources:
Apply for a loan
Guaranteed loan report
How to flip a house report
Investor Resources:
How to invest with Hard Money Partner
A Beginners Guide to Private Lending- By Rodney Miller
Rodney is available for consultation on all things hard money lending, whether it be borrowing, Investing, or starting a lending business.
Book a call with Rodney to discuss the lending business:
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Video hashtags:
#hardmoneypatner #hardmoneylending #privatemoney
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By: Hard Money Partner
Title: Hard Money Lending Explained for Beginners
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Sr8tJn8ls
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